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Mastercam Design is a computer-aided design solution that simplifies the creation of even the most complex parts with a robust suite of CAD tools. Design is included with Mastercam’s suite of CAM solutions. It is also available as a standalone product.
From fixing flaws in an imported model, to creating fixtures for work holding on a machine-and so much more, this powerful CAD engine includes modeling and prep tools for CAM programmers to get parts on and off machines quickly.
A notable advantage of our integrated CAD for CAM is the ability to import files from virtually any computer-aided design source. Mastercam includes a large selection of CAD model importers, so no matter where a model was created, you can import and modify as needed for your machining purposes.
A comprehensive suite of tools for the creation/import and editing of models to modify and prepare for machining.
This suite of tools found on the Model Prep ribbon allows you to modify solids that have no history to edit. You can select faces of a solid body to change the length, you can modify the radius of fillets or remove them all together. You can select bosses or cavities and move them, copy them, or eliminate them entirely.
Dimensions, labels, and notes are part of our drafting functionality to communicate important design information to the shop floor.
Includes everything you need for the creation and editing of lines, arcs, splines, and points. Beyond 2D sketch creation, 3D capabilities offer unlimited flexibility to create the geometry you need with ease.
Surface modeling is an excellent way to create, edit, and display shapes from simple surfaces of revolution to complex organic shapes that cannot easily be done with wireframe. Mastercam gives you a powerful set of surface design tools for straightforward control over every detail of your work.
Give the world’s #1 CAM software a test drive. Download Mastercam Demo/Home Learning Edition at no cost. Use it to learn Mastercam and get familiar with the latest advances in CAD/CAM – every step of the way up to actually machining a part!
Our Mastercam Resellers bring years of practical experience specific to various regions, manufacturing goals, and language requirements worldwide, to ensure that as a Mastercam user, you always have the support you need to get the most out of your CAD/CAM investment.
Allows you to construct models from the simplest wireframe sketches and to continue to edit the model to meet your desired result. These functions create a sequential history of individual operations that can easily be edited as required and update downstream operations automatically. These functions offer a great amount of flexibility for future change.
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